Sunday, April 19, 2020

New Blog - First Post

Why start another blog? I've created many over the years for various reasons. As life changes and God moves us into different directions, one blog starts to wind down into irrelevance and perhaps a number of years will go by before the inspiration comes again to start another one.

I started a blog back in 2017 that ended up going until today with only a single entry in it. Why did I even start that blog in the first place, I'm not entirely sure. Something, however, inspired me enough to create the blog and write that first post but then I never felt inspired again to follow up with another. Maybe this blog will go the same direction or maybe it will last for years as some form of journal my son can read as he gets older. No one really knows anything for sure except God and yet, the fact is that I am blogging yet again because He has compelled me to do so.

Whether or not I will continue on with blog (as with all the others) remains a mystery only God knows the answer to.  I will most likely not be writing to it daily, perhaps not even weekly but only when I'm inspired to do so and when I feel I have the time to invest.

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