Friday, May 1, 2020

The Old Days of SEO and Top Spot

I remember when....

Long ago when the internet was just coming into it's own and the battle for "top spot" in a Google search was the big thing to accomplish. People started companies selling their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) skills to companies for increased revenues. The idea being that when someone did a web search for a specific need, the first or "top" company to come up had a higher percentage chance of getting someone's business. Maybe this is still a thing, I don't know, but it was a decade ago.

Back then I was still learning to put together websites and learn all I could about how all the nuts and bolts of the internet worked. I read a lot of books and articles as well as a lot of long nights learning the HTTP code and all the nuances that went along with it. Hours, days, weeks...all spent learning how this whole system worked. I think about it now and it seems kinda funny how driven I was with all of it. It was a lot harder to build a site back then because many of the "instant" sites and platforms weren't available like they are now. We had to code from "scratch" and as new code types and capabilities were introduced, we stayed on top so we could implement them into our sites.

I'm writing this article not so much to reminisce, but to a memory of a photo I ran across digging through some old archives. Looking at it I remember the excitement of finally pushing enough traffic across my website to hit that "top spot" and then the immediate sigh of completion. I had done it. I finished what I had set out to do and have the photo to remind myself of all the work I put in. These are the kinds of accomplishments I like to share with my son and hopefully inspire him to go and make some of his own accomplishments. It's a good feeling to set one's mind on something and see it through to completion. However, I've also learned that all the credit goes to God for providing us with what we needed to accomplish our goals, whatever that may be.

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