Monday, February 8, 2021

Pen & Ink

 I've always thoroughly enjoyed art in a variety of forms. As an adolescent, I would draw all kinds of pictures of animals, dinosaurs, cars, was how I passed the time when I felt like being alone and diving into something creative. As I got older and into high school, I selected art as my major and took it as an elective every year I was there. I also took drafting and architecture all four years as the two seemed directly correlating and I enjoyed both disciplines very much. Creativity and creative endeavors have always been at the core of my personality I suppose. Acknowledging what is in the world around me but also contemplating what "could be".

While each person will go through a variety of changes through their lifetime, art and creativity has always remained a foundation of my character. Before computers were capable of doing any real "considerable" artwork, we did everything with pencils, pens and brushes. As technology matured, new possibilities emerged and my attention got drawn in that direction. After years of leaning into the digital art arena, I find myself going back to the basics with a new passion. The classic, elegant, timeless soul inspiring pencil, pen and ink. There's something comfortable about it, mysterious about it, soothing about it, and inspiring about it. It's like rekindling the flame of your oldest and best friend who knows your very soul, quirks, good times, bad times, and loves you completely and without reserve. 

What stories we have to tell and so much time to catch up on! What mysteries have we solved and yet to resolve? What lies beyond the limitless sky, on the highest mountain or the deepest valley? Where do we go and what should we do when we get there? What secrets lie at the tip of my pen eagerly awaiting the stories told with each stroke?